
确定, you’ll sleep in your residence hall every night, but it’s also where you’ll cram for finals, share pizza with friends, and even catch up on reality TV.
Our residence halls offer amenities such as Wi-Fi access, free washers and dryers, and cable TV in lounges to provide you a comfortable and safe atmosphere in which to live, 学习, 和成长. 
申请2024年秋季? 利用我们的 $1,000 "Love Where You Live" Grant.
See 洛约拉大厅装修
New 学生 2024-2025 Housing Application


Loyola Hall is a three-wing residence hall complex with traditional double rooms. Just steps from the center of campus, Loyola offers a wonderful place to make new friends and get your first year at college off to a great start.


浴室 Single-性别认同 community bathrooms on each floor
有线电视 休息室提供
地板 3
家具 1 bed, desk, 椅子 and built-in wardrobe with tons of space for each resident
互联网 Available 以太网和WiFi
厨房 Sink and microwave available in lounges
洗衣 Washers and dryers on 1 West, 1 East, and 2 Center. 全部免费!
休息室 Located on each floor with 60" flat-screen TVs, new furniture installed in Summer 2016, and new flooring installed in Spring 2017
居住者 Single-性别认同 floors, first-year students only
电话 1 extension/ voice mailbox per resident upon request
特殊特性 连接到St. 布里吉特大厅 and the offices of Residence Life and the 健康 and 健康 Center



St. 布里吉特大厅 offers suite-style living with semi-private bathrooms and full-functioning kitchens on every floor. If you’d rather not prepare your own late-night snacks, you won’t have to walk far to get to the Pepperazzi for a slice of pizza or you can just meet up with some friends in our Late Night Lounge, which is right next door.

空调/暖气 Both are controlled in the room
浴室 2 rooms connect to 1 bathroom
有线电视 休息室提供s
地板 3
家具 1 bed, desk, 椅子, and wardrobe per resident. Rooms with metal furniture come with extra drawer space for clothes and desk. Rooms with wooden furniture have desks and wardrobes with drawers.
互联网 以太网和WiFi
厨房 厨房 facilities available off St. Brigid lobby or 锡耶纳大厅. Microwaves available in lobby, Loyola, or Siena
洗衣 Washers and dryers on each floor, free of charge
休息室 One large lounge at the beginning of each floor. 2nd and 3rd floor have been updated with new 60" flat-screen TVs in August 2016 and new furniture in Spring/Summer 2017.
居住者 Co-ed floors, first-year students only
电话 1 extension/ voice mailbox per resident upon request
自动售货 Snack and bever年龄 machines available
特殊特性 Main base of Office of Public Safety and Security, connects to 锡耶纳大厅 and Loyola Hall




As a 锡耶纳大厅 resident, you'll be close enough to the center of campus to hear the bell tower chime, but far enough away to enjoy the serenity of the deer and other wildlife that find their way past your windows. Enjoy suite-style living, with semi-private bathrooms and full-functioning kitchens on every floor.

空调/暖气 Both are controlled in the room
浴室 2 rooms connect to 1 bathroom
有线电视 休息室提供s
地板 2
家具 The 2nd floor features wooden furniture, 包括一张床, 椅子, 有抽屉的书桌, and wardrobe with drawers for each resident. Third floor has metal furniture with bed, 椅子, desk and wardrobe with additional drawer space for the desk and clothes.
互联网 以太网和WiFi
厨房 Stove/oven, refrigerator and microwave near the small lounge outside the elevator
洗衣 Washer and dryer on each floor, free of charge
休息室 2 on each floor with 60" large-screen TVs
居住者 Co-ed floors, all upper-class students with limited transfer student availability
电话 1 extension/ voice mailbox per resident upon request
自动售货 Snack and bever年龄 machines available
特殊特性  连接到St. 布里吉特大厅




The 洛约拉大厅装修 were made possible by a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP), a grant program for the acquisition and construction of regional economic, 文化, 公民, 休闲, and historical improvement projects.




GMercyU's 宿舍亚麻布 Program

记住, the beds found in college and university residence halls are longer than the twin beds found in most homes. You can find everything for your college checklist, including specially-sized sheets, mattress pads and comforters, 通过 宿舍亚麻布. Plus, GMercyU's RHA program receives a portion of the proceeds.


Office of Residence Life Contact Information

reslife@afroradionetwork.com or 267-448-1305